Russian Propaganda

Social Media Trolls

Social media, something people of all ages use. The most common social media apps are Facebook,Twitter,Instagram, and Snapchat.
Social media is fun for all but there are bad things in social media such as trolls. Russian trollers are some of the most notorious.
Russian trollers have been known to try and sway political views, especially during elections. The trolling that is most notable is
during the 2016 presidential election.

Any one is a target for these trolls. They could get you without you even realizing it.One way they get you is with pop-ups or ads on the
side of the page you are on. They entice you to click on them because of what is shown to you. The link will show you false information
on many things such as politics. They give false info that will sway your choice when voting for a person for office.

There are many ways to protect yourself from russian trolls. One way is to just have common sense when links pop-up and not click on them if
they look bad. If you do happen to find yourself clicking on bad links unknowingly, once you see extremely biased info just click off.
Another way to protect yourself is to just not be influenced by the content. Don't let the internet sway your beliefs.